Thursday, December 16, 2010


"You are a professional artist who will produce an artwork for an art exhibition which will take place at your school. Your job, Year 7RH, is to research and critique other art works and how they express emotion through the use of elements of design. We have asked our friend Amelia, who is an artist, to help you understand the elements of design. 
Read through the Key question and task in order to understand the assessment requirements."

Miss Riggio
Miss Hood

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Key Question & Task

"Using elements of design; how is emotion expressed throughout various art works?
You will be working individually to produce an exhibit which makes use of elements of design to express an emotion of your choice. In addition, you will be investigating elements of design in various art works and how they communicate emotion. As an art critic you will be visiting the University of the Sunshine Coast Art Museum to critique an art piece of your choice which displays emotion. Your art work will be presented in front of your year level, other students, teachers and family at the end of the term. Following the art exhibit you will write an artist statement to reflect on how you made use of the elements of design in your art work to express emotion."

Integrating Knowledge

“Hello my name is Amelia, I am an artist and I have been asked to help you understand the elements of design. Please click on the following link and complete the activities. After completing these activities you will gain an understanding of the elements of design and how they are used to critique an art piece. Have fun!”


Task 1:
“Artists express emotion (happiness, sadness, anger) through their art piece. Individually answer how Colours, Line, Texture and Shape can express emotion through an art piece. (Example: Red expresses danger and anger). Write each heading in your art book and give 2 examples of how each element can illustrate emotion."

Task 2:
“Excellent work year 7! Now that you have a fair understanding of the elements of design, your next task is to critique 4 pieces of art work by identifying the emotion in each art work using the elements of design (colours, line, texture and shape). In your art book write the heading of each piece of art and critique each art work by writing a short paragraph. The 4 pictures are displayed below.”

Task 3:
"Your teachers Miss Riggio & Miss Hood will be taking you to the University of the Sunshine Coast Museum where your task is to critique ONE art piece that inspires you the most and successfully uses the elements of design to portray an emotion. Attending this excursion allows you to further understand the elements of design which will effectively help you when creating your own art piece. You will need to hand your permission slip given to you by your teacher to your parents for this school trip will take place next week. Within your resources print out in your own time the 'Critiquing an Art Piece' sheet that will need to be taken with you to the excursion."


"For the end of term assessment you will be creating an art piece based around a specific emotion of your choice. Watch the following YouTube clip and examine each famous artist for inspiration. Make sure you are aware of the elements of design in each painting you find inspiring."
This YouTube clip views great artists such as:
-Leonardo Da Vinci
-Pierrie-Aguste Renoir
-Van Gogh

"To view other art work click on the following links to research other famous historical and modern artists."  
Historical Artists  
Modern Artists

"Art can be portrayed in various forms; consider the following links before creating your art piece":

"After viewing various examples on famous historical and modern artists and gripping an understanding of the elements of design you should be able to begin your art piece. Consider what you have learnt so far when critiquing art at a museum and viewing various famous paintings. Here is a check list to make sure you understand the assessment criteria":

-Choose an emotion
-Choose an inspiration
-Name your art piece
-Considered elements of design (shape, colour, line, texture)
-Story behind the emotion
-100-200 word artist statement

"Your art piece MUST be original and individual work."


“On Friday you will be presenting your art exhibition; you have the morning period to set up your art work in the undercover area near the playground. Be creative with your space you might like to bring coloured fabric/sheets, pictures you used as inspiration and dress yourself up creatively. You are welcome to move tables and chairs down to the undercover area as long as you return them back to the classroom when the exhibit is finished.
Be aware that your grade 7 year level, other students, teachers and parents will be attending this exhibition so the more creative you are the better! Good luck students you will have one lesson each day until Friday to continue creating your masterpiece.”


"Hello Students, Your exhibit was a GREAT success! I got the time to view every ones art piece and they looked fantastic great job!
Now that you have all completed your task it is time for you to individually reflect on your work.
Open your art books and complete these following questions in your reflection. Make sure you write full sentences."

What did you call your art piece? And why?

What famous artists influenced you to create this art piece?

What emotion was used in your art piece?

Describe the elements of design used in this art piece.

What message did you want to portray through your art work?


Teachers Page

Essential Learning’s

The Arts- By the end of year 7:

Ways of Working

• Select and develop ideas for arts works, considering intended audiences and intended purposes, and make decisions about arts elements and languages
• Create and shape arts works by modifying arts elements to express purpose and to include influences from their own and other cultures and times
• Modify and polish arts works, using interpretive and technical skills
• Present arts works to informal and formal audiences for intended purposes, using arts techniques, skills and processes
• Reflect on learning, apply new understandings and identify future applications.

Knowledge and Understanding
Visual Art:

• Blended, controlled and symbolic colour is used to create depth, representation and symbolism
e.g. using mixed and blended colour to add depth in abstract paintings.
• Descriptive and emotive lines are used to create abstraction, proportion and symbolism
e.g. using fluid lines to show an emotional response to a stimulus.

Visual Arts learning in Years 3–8
64. Students make sense of images, objects, designs, and temporal, virtual and spatial arrangements that have artistic intentions. Students play with, explore and interrogate materials through manipulating a range of media and technologies to generate art and design works. They engage image making, designing, fabricating and constructing digitally and materially to evaluate and make critical, cognitive and aesthetic decisions. They discern differences in material cultural forms and learn to discuss these. They engage rationally, creatively and cognitively with art and design works and recognize aesthetic values from different times and places. They exhibit their art and design works within and beyond the classroom and understand how meanings change in different contexts. Through these processes they learn how art and design works are structured, produced, valued, communicated and disseminated. They can make basic definitions of codes and conventions of art and design, learning specific terminology and developing a questioning relationship to art and design works. They learn interpretive skills and how to critically engage in the context of historical, theoretical and cultural aspects of Visual Arts as a body of knowledge. Through making and communicating they learn about relationships between selves, art and design works, audiences and world. They learn to take risks in conceptual and material thinking and making, and work with safe and sustainable visual arts and design practices.

Reference List

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2010). The Arts,  (Accessed: 14/12/10)

Modern Artists Gallery, (2010). Artists, (Accessed: 12/12/10)

ORACLE, think quest, (2000). Famous Artists, (Accessed: 12/12/10)  

Queensland Studies Authority, (2010). Essential Learning, (Accessed: 14/12/10)