Essential Learning’s
The Arts- By the end of year 7:
Ways of Working
• Select and develop ideas for arts works, considering intended audiences and intended purposes, and make decisions about arts elements and languages
• Create and shape arts works by modifying arts elements to express purpose and to include influences from their own and other cultures and times
• Modify and polish arts works, using interpretive and technical skills
• Present arts works to informal and formal audiences for intended purposes, using arts techniques, skills and processes
• Reflect on learning, apply new understandings and identify future applications.
Knowledge and Understanding
Visual Art:
• Blended, controlled and symbolic colour is used to create depth, representation and symbolism
e.g. using mixed and blended colour to add depth in abstract paintings.
• Descriptive and emotive lines are used to create abstraction, proportion and symbolism
e.g. using fluid lines to show an emotional response to a stimulus.
Visual Arts learning in Years 3–8
64. Students make sense of images, objects, designs, and temporal, virtual and spatial arrangements that have artistic intentions. Students play with, explore and interrogate materials through manipulating a range of media and technologies to generate art and design works. They engage image making, designing, fabricating and constructing digitally and materially to evaluate and make critical, cognitive and aesthetic decisions. They discern differences in material cultural forms and learn to discuss these. They engage rationally, creatively and cognitively with art and design works and recognize aesthetic values from different times and places. They exhibit their art and design works within and beyond the classroom and understand how meanings change in different contexts. Through these processes they learn how art and design works are structured, produced, valued, communicated and disseminated. They can make basic definitions of codes and conventions of art and design, learning specific terminology and developing a questioning relationship to art and design works. They learn interpretive skills and how to critically engage in the context of historical, theoretical and cultural aspects of Visual Arts as a body of knowledge. Through making and communicating they learn about relationships between selves, art and design works, audiences and world. They learn to take risks in conceptual and material thinking and making, and work with safe and sustainable visual arts and design practices.